books > Bad Traffic
400pp Original paperback : £7.99
ISBN: 978-0954899554
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bad traffic
by simon lewis
Bad Traffic is a honey: suspense that never loses its grip.’ ELMORE LEONARD
Inspector Jian is a Chinese cop from the Siberian border who thinks he’s seen it all. But his search for his missing daughter brings him to the meanest streets he’s ever faced – in rural England.
Migrant worker East Wind is distressed – his gangmaster’s making demands, he owes a lot of money to the snakeheads and no one will tell him where his wife has been taken. Maybe England isn’t the ‘gold mountain’ he was promised…
Two desperate men, uneasy allies in a baffling foreign land, are pitted against a band of ruthless criminals… there’s BAD TRAFFIC ahead.
‘Lewis’s narrative is fast-moving and flawless. His story dances between the comedy of cultural confusion and the tragedy of broken lives and broken dreams. It’s said to be the first in a series about Inspector Jian. My advice is to get in on the ground floor.’ Washington Post
‘Bad Traffic is a rabbit-hole that a reader is willingly sucked into, its fast pace and staccato style a preliminary enticement to deeper insights into the changing nature of Chinese mores.’ Los Angeles Times
‘Lewis’s aim was to write a book that was “fast-paced and pulpy, with a high body count and plenty of action”. He has certainly succeeded, but there’s more besides – dark comedy, sensitive characterisation and an incisive rendering of the desperation felt by beleaguered strangers in a foreign land.’ Observer
‘Can a writer make a good book out of moral indignation? Lewis does a brilliant job, creating a fast-moving narrative out of Inspector Jian’s search for his daughter.’ Independent
“An enjoyable culture clash thriller… An engaging and unusual tale.”